How Many Sessions Will I Need?

“How long will it take?” is a question many clients ask (second only to “What results can I expect”?).  There is no standard answer to this question because everyone’s central nervous system is unique. While we cannot predict what your brain will do with the information it receives from our neurofeedback training, we can offer a few guidelines.

The 10 Session Rule       

I often tell clients to expect SOMETHING to shift within ten sessions. Often, it is much quicker than that. Early on, clients commonly report feeling better rested, having an improved outlook and engaging more effectively with colleagues or loved ones. Changes you experience may or may not be related to the goals you came in with, but generally speaking, any kind of shift is a positive indication that the NeurOptimal® brain training is working as designed.

Specifically, clients describe feeling clearer, calmer, lighter or brighter for a few hours after the session – a feeling that typically will last through the week, from one neurofeedback training session to the next (weekly sessions being the most common). Eventually, this new centered way of being becomes their “new normal”. Only if they get thrown off by a negative event  -a bad day at work, chemicals, a knock on the head - might they drop into the way they felt before. But generally, they will not dip as deeply into emotional discomfort and will more than likely bounce back from challenging situations much more quickly and easily.

The New Normal "Threshold"

How much neurofeedback training does it take to get to your “new normal”? As NeurOptimal® has improved and evolved, reaching a new, improved baseline for users has become quicker and quicker. We used to say at least 20 sessions were necessary to help with issues bothering you in the "here and now"; 30 plus sessions for "deeper" problems that originated earlier in life. Now we are  finding significant results occur in much less time.

In the end, the more brain training you do, the more the positive effects will stay with you. Much like learning a language or a physical skill like rollerblading,  “practice makes perfect”. The more sessions you undergo, the better your brain fitness.

However you can stop whenever you feel ready and return for booster sessions to tune up and strengthen what your brain has already learned.  The actual fact is that any session done ever in a lifetime builds on whatever sessions or life experiences  you have had/done before.  It is never a waste stopping for whatever reason, then picking up whenever you decide to.  You will never lose what you have, even if  your brain’s optimal operation becomes a little rusty.    In fact, many clients continue brain training on a monthly or bi-monthly basis to maintain their brain fitness for a lifetime. NeurOptimal® is non-invasive and Naturopathic, so it may be used as long as you like. Similar to the benefits of exercise for the body, neurofeedback can be an important tool for brain health, as it keeps the central nervous system in tip-top shape. You can make NeurOptimal® neurofeedback training central to your personal brain fitness program as you age.

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Elise Thomson 816-305-2414

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