Dynamic Neurofeedback Transforming Lives
Training with NeurOptimal® is actually a learning task. You get results because your brain is actively learning, even if you are not doing the learning consciously. So much like reading, once your brain knows how to read, it can’t “not know”. Your brain doesn’t forget. It may get rusty, but the effects of learning remain throughout your lifetime.
However, your brain is living tissue and you can— and will— get "knocked off" by stress, by chemicals, by alcohol, by an anesthetic, by the difficult daily lives we all seem to live. The wonderful thing is, a few booster sessions will get you back to where you were. As trainers, we see a trained brain quickly utilizing the information NeurOptimal® is offering. It's as if the brain says "I know what to do with this!" and it goes through all the steps it went through in the weeks of initial training, but very rapidly. So you quickly get back into your good place.
It's very nice to know if you are going through a more difficult time, you can quickly do a session or two to recover your optimal flow and functioning.
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Elise Thomson 816-305-2414
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